Chit Group Management

Chit Group Management

  • Chit Group Entry
  • Chit Group List
  • Chit Group Performance
  • Auction Turn Over
  • Vacant Chit List
  • Group Wise Customer List
  • Group Wise Auction & Dividend list
  • Group Wise PS & NPS List
  • Group Wise Payment List
  • Group Wise Collection
  • Group Wise Outstanding
  • Group Wise Scale
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Customer Management

Customer Management

  • Master Customer Entry With webcamera
  • Advance Receipt Customer Entry
  • AR Customer To Chit Customer Transfer
  • Chit Customer Entry
  • Customer Daily Collection
  • Customer Monthly collection
  • Customer Auction Entry
  • Customer Payment Entry
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  • Accounts Ledger Entry
  • Accounts Ledger List
  • Accounts Voucher Entry
  • Cash Book & Bank Book
  • Day Book (Daily Income & Expenses)
  • Statement of Ledger (Date, Month Wise)
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Employee Management

Employee Management

  • Employee entry with user With webcamera
  • Employee List With ID Card
  • Employee Wise Collection
  • Manual & Biometric Attendance Entry
  • Employee Automatic Attendance Report
  • Employee Automatic Advance & Salary Entry
  • Employee Automatic Payslip Generation
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  • Master Customer List
  • AR customer list
  • Chit customer list
  • Pending auction list
  • Nominee list
  • Guarantor list
  • Surety list
  • Payment Paid & Pending List (Grp&Month Wise)
  • Outstanding list(Customer,Group, Agent, Area & Village Wise)
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Customer Management

Customer Management

  • Nominee Entry With Webcamera
  • Guarantor Entry With Webcamera
  • Agent Entry With Webcamera
  • Surety Entry With Documents
  • Chit Customer Cancel
  • Agent Commission Generation & Payment
  • Cancel Customer Payment
  • Customer Refund & Transfer
  • Official Contact Person Entry
  • Customer,Employee,Agent Bank Details
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